
While not the most exciting place on earth, Mie [ 三重 ] is a decent place to live.

Nagashima Spa Land Nagashima Spaland Kuwana 桑名 is only 20 minutes from Nagoya 'n there are a few sights to see here. It's also home to Nagashima Spa Land, which is an amusement park with fireworks at night and water park with slides in the summer. There's also an outlet mall, hot springs, and a flower park here with illuminations!
kyuka park hanami
Sakura at Kyuka Park 九華公園
Kuwana hanami
Hashiriizan Park 走井山公園
Kuwana sakura
near Umamichi Station 馬道駅
isidori festival
Isidori 石取祭 in August,
supposedly the loudest festival in Japan
Kuwana Festival
Festival at 大福田寺 in April
with lots of people in costumes
local houses in Kuwana
This is "real" Japan!

Tado festival Tado Shrine Tado Jinja Tado Shrine 多度神社 has a festival where horses run up some very steep steps during Golden Week. Otherwise, it's a very quiet shrine.
Gozaisho Gozaisho You can take the ropeway up Mount Gozaisho 御在所岳 or hike it... Definitely don't wear platform flip-flops like I did as there are rocks and chains high above and it's super windy and cold, even in August.
old street ise jingu Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 is the No. 1 shrine in Japan in terms of sacredness since it houses Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. It's normally not crowded at all and very very spacious.Okage Yokocho おかげ横丁 leading to it has many interesting traditional shops.
Meotoiwa married rocks mie Close to Ise Jingu you'll find 2 married rocks called Meotoiwa 夫婦岩 in Futamigarau 二見浦. There's a cute shrine and some seafood vendors in the vicinity.
Ise Shima Skyline Iseshima Skyline Get a good view of the bay at Ise-Shima Skyline 伊勢志摩スカイライン! Need a car to get here.
shima beach nice beach mie Goza Shirahama Beach 御座白浜海岸 is actually a nice decent beach where you can swim and barbecue!
Yokoyama Yokoyama Mie Go up Yokoyama 横山 for a nice view! There are drink vending machines at the parking lot.
Iga Ueno Ninja Iga Ueno has Iga-ryu Ninja Museum 伊賀流忍者博物館 where you can check out a ninja house and see ninja shows. There's also a rebuilt castle in town.
Akame 48 Waterfalls Akame Waterfalls Akame 48 Waterfalls [ 赤目四十八滝 = Akame Shijūhachi Taki ] in Nabari [ 名張 ] , a place famous for autumn foliage where you can go along nice trails to see quite a few waterfalls, some pretty small.